Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel anytime?

No need to fret! Our service does not involve any lengthy commitments or intricate contracts. If you feel that 1122 Avenue Digital Solutions is not the perfect fit for you, just cancel your account anytime with a few clicks from your dashboard.

Do you offer support?

YES! We provide 24/7/365 Live Chat Support and Training Tutorials and User Guides.

Do you offer discounts on the subscriptions?

If you subscribe to any annual plan, you will receive two months free of service.

Why don't you have a free trial?

Instead of a free trial we offer a 30 day moneyback guarantee. We believe 30 days is a great way for you to experience how powerful our digital suite can be for your needs. We are confident we can be of great help to customers who are seriously and genuinely seeking solutions to scale and grow their business with automation..

How many users and contacts are included per plan subscription?

The monthly subscription for any plan covers your access to the platform and allows you to have unlimited users and contacts within it.

Can I claim 1122 Avenue Digital Suite subscription as a business expense?

Software subscription is normally a tax deductible business expense. But we do not provide tax advice. Please consult a tax professional. You are responsible for consulting your own tax advisor.